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Her eyes

Her eyes were beauty -  the kind of beauty you seek in a dark forest after rain, when everything's asleep and only you and the wind are dancing. They were fire and ice at the same time, they were made of stone and diamond.
They weren't easy to break, but if you were lucky enough to see through them, only then you could see the pain and torture behind that cruel expression and meaningless look.
She was a fallen angel with ruby eyes and dark lips, but she had once been an angel, the kind you seek in the darkest part of your mind.


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What if Wild Things by Alessia Cara was a speech? (English)

To me, where the wild things are is a place that exists in our minds. It 's a place of liberty and shamelessness. It can take a split second or a lifetime to find it, but once you do, you'll be free. However, some people value their social graces so much, that they want you to bow your heads in front of them. But they forget that not everybody prays for it, others are just pioneers. They make their own rules, in their own special place, with no bias. And they leave those people to sell what they are selling, because they will never be their buyers. So, if you want to be with them, gather all the rebels and shout as loud as you can that you don't care about what others say. We will leave our places empty for those who say that we can't sit there, because we're better just as ourselves. And I know it's hard to listen to people who tell you not to leave your place, but it's your choice if you want to be a wild one or not. So do not let those who say t

What if Wild Things by Alessia Cara was a speech? (Romanian)

Pentru mine, locul unde se află sălbăticia este un loc care există în mințile noastre. Este un loc liber, lipsit de rușine. Ne poate lua o clipă să îl găsim sau o viață întreagă, dar odată ce am făcut-o, suntem liberi. Păcat este însă, că oamenii prețuiesc atât de mult harurile sociale, încât se așteaptă ca ceilați să-și plece capul în fața lor. Dar uită că nu toată lumea se roagă pentru asta, alții sunt pur și simplu pionieri. Își fac propriile reguli, într-un loc doar al lor, unul special, fără părtinire. Și le lasă pe acele persoane sociale să vândă tot ceea ce vor, pentru că ei nu vor fi niciodată ai lor cumpărători. Așa că, dacă ești și tu de partea lor, adună-i pe toți rebelii și strigă tare că nu îți pasă de ceea ce zic ceilalți. Le vom lăsa locurile noastre celor care spun că nu putem sta acolo, pentru că ne e mai bine doar între noi. Și știu că e greu să-i asculți pe ceilalți spunându-ți să nu ieși din rând, dar este algerea ta dacă vrei să fi un sălbatic sau nu. De


What's life without heroes ... oh, that'd be a world full of monsters. But what's life without monsters ... well, b.o.r.i.n.g. We all were taught to fear them, to hide or to ignore. However, thinking about that, we can't stop fearing what's threatening us, we can't hide from what is everywhere and there's no way to ignore them. So what shall we do? There are two ways to confront this reality - either to die fighting monsters or to become one. Considering the fact that being a hero is just the positive perspective of the story - and that's dull - it's more interesting to be a monster.  Don't listen to those who say that being a monster is easier, because it's not. Yes, it's easier to go for revenge instead of giving people second chances, but no one's wondering what makes them going for vengience. They say it's pure hate, ignorance, sometimes just fun, but what if I tell you there's more. You can't hate if you don't l